What is the Best Sleeping Position?

This I’m Jacob Katz, and this is The Renewal: an independent, subscriber-supported health newsletter that summarizes free tools for everyday life. If you’re reading this, keep it to yourself.

I’m traveling Italy right now, sleeping in hostels with 6 strangers around me.

Europe doesn’t have AC either so I’m struggling to fall asleep.

But if one thing has helped improve the quality of my sleep,

It’s my sleeping position.

Poor sleep positions lead to back pain, digestion issues, and inefficient toxin drainage.

So here is the magic formula.

Sleep on your left side.

I know, it’s revolutionary.

This will improve digestion, heart health, circulation, snoring, and more.

Left side sleeping uses gravity to help the flow of your organs – blood, stomach acid, toxins, food.

Obviously you can’t stay in the same position the whole night.

But training yourself to sleep on your left side most of the time is helpful for your long term health.

  • Best nootropic: sleep
  • Best stress relief: sleep
  • Best trauma release: sleep
  • Best immune booster: sleep
  • Best hormone augmentation: sleep
  • Best emotional stabilizer: sleep

Benefits of Sleeping on Your Left Side

1) Reduce Acid Reflux

Your stomach holds gastric acid to break down foods.

Sleeping in your left side prevents gastric acid from flowing back into your esophagus.

Because these stomach juices will remain lower than the esophagus.

And it reduces acid reflux – 71% reduction in heartburn and digestive upsets.

2) Improve Digestion

When you lie on your left side, gravity helps pull the food from your stomach into your small intestine.

And then into the large intestine.

Which reduces the effort required by the digestive muscles.

This will help prevent digestive issues – bloating and constipation.

Ever go to all you can eat sushi and lie paralyzed on the coach right after?

Try a 10 minute nap on the left side to help the body digest.

3) Better Heart Health

Gravity is your friend here too.

Left-side sleeping promotes easier blood flow = healthier heart.

2 of your body’s main blood vessels are better aligned in this position – aorta and inferior vena cava (IVC).

You’re allowing your heart to pump blood more efficiently and with less strain.

If you have a heart condition, left side sleeping is important.

4) Enhances Lymphatic Drainage

The lymphatic system removes toxins and waste from your body.

It drains toward the left side.

So sleeping on your left side allows gravity to facilitate this process.

Better drainage = immune system boost and reduced swelling.

5) Reduced Snoring and Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Now if none of these matter, surely your rizz does.

Rizzlers don’t snore.

Nor do they use those snoring machines.

Sleeping on your side (either side works) prevents the tongue and soft tissues from collapsing into the throat.

Which minimizes snoring and sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a silent killer.

Here’s how to avoid it too.

6) Relief from Pregnancy-Related Discomfort

Now if you’ve already been rizzed up this one is for you.

To the pregnant people of the world.

You will find significant relief from discomfort by sleeping on your left side.

This position improves circulation to the heart, kidneys, and fetus.

And can reduce the risk of complications and lower the risk of stillbirth by as much as 50%.

And of course, I can’t forget about those of you who want to have the worst sleep possible.

And my dear weirdos, no one caters to you.

Except for me, you’re safe with me.

Other than some mangled pretzel position,

Sleeping on your stomach is probably your best bet.

  • Rubbing all the dirt from your pillow into your face is perfect for birthing pimples
  • Wake up with anxiety!
  • Twisting your head to the side all night is great for developing scoliosis – you might even feel numbness, pain, and stiffness if you’re lucky
  • And best of all, your face will begin to wrinkle from being squished all night

And if you’re into getting the worst sleep imaginable and feeling like a pile of garbage in New York’s underground rat cave, you’ll want to look into the 7 Ways to Maximize Your Misery.

Off to eat more pizza,

Jacob & The Renewal team

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