neuroplasticity explained. neuroplasticity is like a seasoned lover

Neuroplasticity is like a seasoned lover.

Neuroplasticity is like a seasoned lover.

It knows all 3 of your moves. And is familiar with your routines, those neural pathways you tread day in and day out.

But don’t be fooled.

Your vanilla grunting gets old. It craves novelty. It thrives on the other 49 shades of grey, the thrills of exploring cheap motels.

Neuroplasticity ignites during intense focus, but happens during deep sleep (in this case neuroplasticity is not like sex).

It’s a passionate encounter. That leaves you wanting more wax melted onto your back.

Old cougars can learn new tricks.

With every intense focus session, new pathways are forged and deepened.

It learns your every curve, your fetishes, if you’re ticklish.

Adapting to your unique preferences.

Anticipating your needs.

This lover knows the secret to lasting passion.

Never stop growing. Exploring. Trying new things.

Woah there Nelly, slow down…

Building a thriving relationship with your brain’s neuroplasticity is no one-night stand.

It takes time. Effort. A willingness to be vulnerable.

But the payoff?

*Bites lip.*

The more you try, the more flexible you become.

Ready to ditch the missionary and embrace the thrill of the butter churner?

Your brain yearns for it.

What is Neuroplasticity?

Any person could, if they were so inclined, be the sculptor of his own brain.

Neuroplasticity is the way we continue to shape our understanding of the world.

It helps us respond in an adaptive way. Updates our map. Do something enough times, and your responses will eventually change.

Imagine your brain as a city. Neuroplasticity is the city’s ability to build new roads, tear down old ones, and create shortcuts, all to make you more efficient and adaptable.

Check out neuroplasticity in action.

Neuroplasticity is promoted through pushing your comfort zone – juggling, patting your head and rubbing your tummy, using your non-dominant hand (writing, brushing teeth), eating blindfolded, roleplay (no, not that kind, unless you’re into it).

I’m assuming you’re over 25, if not maybe you should’ve read this with parental supervision.

Before the age of 25, your brain is basically a yoga instructor – flexible af.

But don’t worry, just because you’ve hit a quarter-life crisis (I did so I started this newsletter) doesn’t mean you’re stuck with yourself.

If you want to learn, you have to be focused. So, when are you most focused during the day? Don’t give that time to something that isn’t worth it.

How to increase neuroplasticity

  1. Brain Foreplay: Before double fisting some learning, take 25-30 deep breaths (inhale through nose, exhale through mouth). Then exhale and hold your breath with lungs empty for 15-60 seconds. Then inhale once and hold your breath for 10 seconds. It’s like boofing a shot of espresso.
  2. Staring Contest With a Wall: Find a spot and focus your gaze for about 1 minute. Honestly, for some reason it’s harder than it sounds. Just don’t do it like this “1-year old douche with a staring problem”.
  3. Let Him Cook: Whatever you’re trying to learn, do it as many times as you can. If you’re not sweating beads while baking 1,000 brownies, then what’s the point? Think of each brownie as a bicep curl for your brain.
  4. Embrace the Oops: Went for the wrong hole? We’ve all been there. Sometimes the wrong hole opens new doors. When your brain takes a wrong turn, it fires up attention to get you ready for the next try. Embrace the detour and explore the new neural pathways it might uncover.
  5. Pause?: Every couple of minutes, pause for 10 seconds. Seriously, do nothing. These gap-effects are similar to what happens in deep sleep, consolidating everything you’ve learned at 10x speed. It’s not procrastination mom, it’s strategic.
  6. Treat Yo’self (Sometimes): Remember from Dopamine is Like a Pair of Gonads – Celebrate your wins, but not every time. Sometimes, break the emergency piggy bank for hookers and blow; other times, stone-face it and keep trucking. Keeps your brain on its toes and your motivation alive. Predictable rewards lose their motivational impact quickly.
  7. You Can’t Last Longer Than 90 Minutes: Stick to learning sessions of 90 minutes or less. Then rest. Most people can’t do more than 270 minutes of intense learning bouts per day… I read as I sit at my office until 5pm.
  8. Don’t Forget to Save the Game: Sleep is like hitting the save button on your game. Neuroplasticity happens when you are in deep sleep. Enter the night shift miners to dig the tunnels of neural connections.

You don’t have to do all 9 every learning session (although numbers 1, 2, 9 are non-negotiable).

I’ll be posting more on tools for neuroplasticity in the near future.

Neuroplasticity is different from brain wrinkles. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change at the cellular level, while brain wrinkles are a result of physical growth as it folds in on itself to fit within the limited space of the skull.

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” – Plato.

— The Renewal

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